Extracts all the text that requires translating from a web page, including hidden text, image alt-text etc. Just type your translations along side each line of text in the table.
When done, click 'save' and your translated text is automatically put back into the web page.
Instant preview of original and translated pages in your web browser at any time.
Built in automatic glossary panel suggests words and phrases while you are typing - with a single key press to accept a suggestion. Helps you keep key phrases and terminology consistent throughout a project.
Project Catalogue facility provides a single list of all pages in a project with word counts and translation status to help keep track of progress on larger projects.
Supports .hhc & .hhk help index and contents files - so can be used to translate .chm help files also.
No pre or post processing of files - once translation has finished, you have a complete translated web site.
Safe: no worrying about fonts, page layout, hyperlinks, html code, or hidden text. It's all taken care of.
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